Media Centre
Press Contacts
For Interviews, press briefings, media enquiries:
Anna Guyer, Greenhouse PR,
Sarah Mulder, Greenhouse PR,
Faye Holst, Greenhouse PR,
David Mason, Greenhouse PR,
Media Partnerships, Social Media & Marketing Contacts
Agnes Gradzewicz, Head of Marketing,, @AgnesGradzewicz
Olivia Dunham, Event Assistant,
Registered Press & Media
- ABC News Melbourne
- AFP Services
- AsianNGO Magazine
- Associated Press
- Athens Voice
- Avvenire
- Basler Zeitung
- BBC Radio
- BBC Radio
- BC Shipping News
- BIZZ Energy Today
- Bloomberg News
- Bloomberg UK
- BusinessGreen
- CCTV - china
- China Cental Television Europe
- China Central Television
- Cities Today
- Cities Today
- Climate Home, GWG Energy
- Climate One at The Commonwealth Club
- CommonWealth
- CommonWealth Magazine
- Conde Nast Publications
- Contexte
- Daily Express Lahore
- Danish Broadcasting Corporation
- Dansk Energi
- Demotix
- Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin
- Diplomatic World
- Diplomatic World
- Dods Parliamentary Communications
- Ecolife Magazine
- EcoManDan
- EMEA Finance
- EMG Strategic Consulting
- Euromoney Institutional Investor
- European Business Review
- Expressen
- Expressen
- Família Crista
- Forbes
- France 24
- France Media Monde
- GeoSocioPolitico
- Global Energy
- Global Times
- GreenBiz Group
- Huffington Post
- Independent, Freelance
- La Maison des Journalistes (MDJ)
- Le Journal le Pays Emergent
- Les Afriques
- LExtension
- National Express
- National Observer (Canada)
- NBC News
- New Climate Economy
- New Economist
- New Europe
- News Agency TASS
- Next City
- Nikkei Business Publications
- Nikkei Europe
- Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation
- Nyhedsbladet Dansk Energi
- Politico
- Positive Magazine
- Radio France
- Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty
- Rai
- Recharge
- Responsible Investor
- Reuters
- Reuters TV
- RNW Media
- Salt
- SINART Sistema Nacional de Radio y Televisión-Radio
- Solar Media
- Sputnik News Agency
- Standard Media Group
- Sveriges Radio, Swedish Public Service Radio
- Taiwan Environmental Information Center
- TASS News agency
- The Climate Group
- The Ecologist, Envisionation
- The Economist
- The Economist Group
- The Economist Intelligence Unit
- The Environmentalist
- The Nation Magazine
- The National
- The National Observer and Smarter Shift
- The New Internationalist
- The New Yorker
- The Norwegian Business Daily
- The Parliament Magazine
- The Sunday Times
- The Times Kuwait
- The Washington Post
- The Worldfolio
- Time & Fortune Magazines
- TriplePundit
- UDN Group
- Upworthy
- Vista Tv
- Voice of America
- W Magazine
- Webzine KIC InnoEnergy
- World Environment Magazine
- World News Media
- Yahoo
- Ziwira
- Ziwira Eco Tech Fze