''The 2014 SIF event brought together a diverse group of stakeholders; a most interactive and engaging conference.''
Ron Cotterman
Vice President, Sustainability, Sealed Air
"I found the Sustainable Innovation Forum to be a stimulating, informative and practical window into business perspectives on climate solutions - engaging and enlightening!"
Carl Pope
Special Advisor to Michael Bloomberg & Principal, Inside Straight Strategies
“The Sustainable Innovation Forum is my favourite event at the COP. Positive, practical and inspiring.”
Jane Burston
Head, Centre for Carbon Measurement, National Physical Laboratory
“The Sustainable Innovation Forum brought together different perspectives in a very stimulating way”
Karsten Löffler
Manging Director, Allianz Climate
“The event was outstanding. From the themes discussed, learnings from the speakers to the agenda and schedule. The event organization and support to attendees was very special.”
Carlos d’Arce Junior
Marketing Director, New Holland Agriculture LatAm
‘‘I always appreciate our opportunity to come together with Climate Action and to have this Forum alongside the conference, this is now a long standing tradition.’’
Achim Steiner
Executive-Director, UNEP