BMW iMobility and the OECD to Address Challenges of Electric Vehicle Integration

BMW iMobility and the OECD to Address Challenges of Electric Vehicle Integration

  • July 15, 2015

This month’s Climate Action webinar brings together the Vice President of BMW’s i Mobility Division, Secretary General of the OECD’s Transport Forum and Councillor at the Transport Board of the Metropolitan Government, Barcelona to discuss the challenges facing mainstream electric vehicle (EV) integration to make our cities more sustainable.

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Climate Action and Solutions COP21 Partner to Amplify Climate Innovation During Paris Summit

Climate Action and Solutions COP21 Partner to Amplify Climate Innovation During Paris Summit

  • July 02, 2015

It was today announced that the largest business-focussed side event to be held during COP21 in Paris this December, will work in concert with the leading educational and scientific showcase being held in Grand Palais, to highlight sustainable climate innovation.

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Industry Leaders to Discuss Opportunities for Improving Energy Efficiency in the Private Sector

Industry Leaders to Discuss Opportunities for Improving Energy Efficiency in the Private Sector

  • June 26, 2015

Next month’s Climate Action webinar will unite Fortune 500 Company Avery Dennison and the Chief Executive of the World Green Building Council to discuss opportunities to save money and energy within the private sector.

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Business friendly COP21 will showcase the commitment of the private sector

Business friendly COP21 will showcase the commitment of the private sector

  • May 27, 2015

Addressing over 100 business leaders, government officials and UN agencies at a Paris Climate Week event, COP21 Secretary-General, Pierre-Henri Guignard highlighted the critical role business will play during the UNFCCC event in December. 

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Business Leaders Gather at Paris Climate Week to Discuss Sustainable Innovation

Business Leaders Gather at Paris Climate Week to Discuss Sustainable Innovation

  • April 30, 2015

2015 is a pivotal year for sustainability. COP21 represents the last opportunity to strike a legally binding, global agreement on climate change, which will ultimately underpin the success of the Sustainable Development Goals in delivering equitable global development. Urgency for such a consensus has never been greater, as expanding urban populations and accelerating resource destruction serves to both exacerbate and create new vulnerabilities to climate change.

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